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  15. Kropf, S.; Hothorn, L.A. and J. Läuter: Multivariate many-to-one procedures with applications to pre-clinical trials. Drug Information J. 30 (1997)2, 433-447

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  21. Bolte R, Walz M, ,…, Hothorn L, Georgi M: Teleradiology: results of a questionnaire of German radiologists. J Telemed Telecare 1998;4 Suppl 1:69-71

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  23. Neuhäuser, M. and Hothorn, L.A.: An analogue of Jonckheere’s trend test for parametric and dichotomous data. Biometr. J. 40 (1998) 11-19.

  24. Neuhäuser, M. , Liu, P-Y.and Hothorn, L.A.: Nonparametric tests for trend: Jonckheere’s test, a modification and a maximum test. Biometr. J. 40 (1998) 899-909.

  25. Bauer P, Röhmel J, Maurer W, Hothorn L.A.: Testing strategies in multi-dose experiments including active control. Statistics in Medicine 1998 17(18):2133-46.

  26. Hauschke, D.; Kieser, M.; Hothorn, L.A.: Proof of safety in toxicology based on the ratio of two means for normally distributed data. Biometr. J. 41(1999) 295-304

  27. Neuhäuser, M. and Hothorn, L.A.: An exact Cochran-Armitage test for trend when dose-response shapes are a priori unknown. Computat. Stat. & Data Analysis 30 (1999) 403-412.

  28. Hothorn, L.A.: Trend tests in epidemiology: p-values or confidence intervals?. Biometr. J. 41 (1999)817-825.

  29. Koch, Hans-Friedrich; Hothorn, L.A.: Exact unconditional distributions for dichotomous data in many-to-one comparisons. J. Statist. Planning Inference 82 (1999),1-2, 83-99.

  30. Hothorn, L.A., and Hauschke, D.: Identifying the maximum safe dose: a multiple testing approach. J. Biopharmaceutical Statistics 10 (2000) 15-30.

  31. Lovell DP, Yoshimura I, Hothorn LA, Margolin BH, Soper K.: Report and summary of the major conclusions from Statistics in Genotoxicity Testing Working Group from the Intern. Workshop on Genotoxicity Test Procedures Environ Mol Mutagen. 2000;35(3):260-263.

  32. Neuhäuser M; Seidel D; Hothorn LA; Urfer W.: Robust trend tests with application to toxicology. Environmental and Ecological Statistics 7 (2000)43-56.

  33. Hothorn LA; Hayashi M; Seidel D.: Dose-response relationships in mutagenicity assays including an appropriate positive control group: a multiple testing approach. Environmental and Ecological Statistics7 (2000) 27-42.

  34. Bretz F, Hothorn LA. A powerful alternative to Williams‘ test with application to toxicological dose-response relationships of normally distributed data. Environmental and Ecological Statistics 7 (2000) 135-154.

  35. Lehmacher, W; Kieser, M; Hothorn, L.A.: Sequential and multiple testing for dose-response analysis. Drug Information Journal, 34 (2000), 591-597.

  36. Neuhäuser M; Hothorn LA.: Parametric location-scale and scale trend tests based on Levene’s transformation. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 33(2000) 189-200.

  37. Hothorn, L.A., and Bretz, F.: Evaluation of animal carcinogenicity studies. Cochran-Armitage trend test vs. multiple contrast tests. Biometrical J. 42 (2000) 553-567

  38. Hothorn, L.A., and Bretz, F.: One-sided simultaneous confidence intervals for effective dose steps in unbalanced designs. Biometrical J. 42 (2000) 995-1006.

  39. Tamhane A.C. and Hothorn, L.A. A multiple comparison procedure for the three and four-armed controlled clinical trials (Letter to the editor). Statistics in Medicine 20 (2001) 317-321.

  40. Munzel, U. and Hothorn, L.A.: An unified approach to simultaneous rank test procedures in the unbalanced one-way layout. Biometrical Journal 43(2001) 553-559.

  41. Bretz, F, Genz, A, and Hothorn, L.A. : On the numerically availibilty of multiple comparison procedures. Biometrical Journal 43(2001) 645-656.

  42. Bretz, F and Hothorn, L.A.. Testing dose-response relationships with a priori unknown possibly nonmonotone shapes. J. Biopharmaceutical Statistics 11(2001) 193-207.

  43. Biesheuvel E., and Hothorn, LA.: Many-to-one comparisons in stratified designs Biometrical Journal 44(2002) 101-116.

  44. Bauss F, Wagner M, Hothorn, LA: Total administered dose of Ibandronate determines its effect on bone mass. J. of Rheumatology 29 (2002) 990-998.

  45. Weichert M, Hothorn LA.: Robust hybrid tests for the two-sample location problem. Commun. Statist. Simul C 31 (2002) 175-187.

  46. Bauss F., Lalla S., Endele R., and L.A. Hothorn: The effects of treatment with ibandronate on bone mass, architecture, biomechanical properties and bone concentration of ibandronate in ovariectomized aged rats. J Rheumatol 29 (10): 2200-2208 (2002)

  47. Bretz, F and Hothorn, L.A. Detecting dose–response using contrasts: asymptotic power and sample size determination for binomial data. Statist. Med. 2002; 21:3325–3335

  48. Schulte,A; Althoff, J et al. Two immunotoxicity ring studies according to OECD TG 407—comparison of data on Cyclosporin A and Hexachlorobenzene. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 36, 12–21 (2002)

  49. Hothorn, L.A. Selected biostatistical aspects of the validation of in vitro toxicological assays. Altern Lab Anim. 30(2002) Suppl 2:93-8.

  50. Bretz, F.; Hothorn, L.A., Hsu J. Identifying effective and/or safe doses by stepwise confidence intervals for ratios. Statistics in Medicine 22 (2003) 847-858

  51. Neuhauser M, Leisler B, Hothorn LA: A trend test for the analysis of multiple paternity. J AGRIC BIOL ENVIR S 8 (2003) 29-35.

  52. Hothorn, L.A.; Wassmer, G. Analyzing randomized dose finding studies with a primary and a secondary endpoint. J Biopharmaceutical Statistics 13(2003) 301–305.

  53. Bretz F, Hothorn LA. Comparison of exact and resampling based multiple testing procedures. COMMUN STAT-SIMUL C 32 (2): 461-473 2003

  54. Hothorn LA . Statistics of interlaboratory in vitro toxicological studies. ATLA-ALTERN LAB ANIM 31: 43-63 Suppl. 1 JUN 2003

  55. Hauschke D, Hothorn LA. Two-stage testing of safety: A statistical view. ATLA-ALTERN LAB ANIM 31: 77-80 Suppl. 1 JUN 2003

  56. Bretz F, Hothorn LA . Statistical analysis of monotone or non-monotone dose-response data from in vitro toxicological assays. ATLA-ALTERN LAB ANIM 31: 81-96 Suppl. 1 JUN 2003

  57. Hothorn LA, Bretz F . Dose-response and thresholds in mutagenicity studies: A statistical testing approach. ATLA-ALTERN LAB ANIM 31: 97-103 Suppl. 1 JUN 2003

  58. Biesheuvel E., and Hothorn, LA: Protocol designed subgroup analyses in multiarmed clinical trials: multiplicity aspects J. Biopharmaceutical Statistics 13(2003) 663-673

  59. Hirotsu C, and Hothorn, LA: Impact of the ICH E9 guideline: statistical principles for clinical trials on the conduct of clinical trials in Japan. Drug Information Journal 37 (2003) 381-396

  60. Neuhaeuser M, Buening H, Hothorn L: Maximum test versus adaptive tests for the two-sample location problem. J APPL STAT 31 (2): 215-227 FEB 2004

  61. Hothorn, LA and Bauss, F. Biostatistical design and analyses of long-term animal studies simulating human postmenopausal osteoporosis. Drug Information Journal 38 (2004) 47-56.

  62. Hothorn, LA A robust statistical procedure for evaluating genotoxicity data. Environmetrics 15 (2004) 635-641

  63. Dilba, D, Bretz, F, Guiard, V, Hothorn, LA. Simultaneous confidence intervals for ratios with application to the comparison of several treatments with a control. Meth. Inf Medicine 43: 2004, 465-469.

  64. Hothorn, LA Biostatistics in nonclinical and preclinical drug development. Biometrical J 47 (2005) 282-285

  65. Hothorn, LA; Oberdörfer, R: Statistical analysis used in the nutritional assessment of novel food using the proof of safety. Regul Toxicol. Pharmacol 44 (2006), 125-135

  66. Dilba, D, Bretz, F., Hothorn, LA. Guiard, V. Power and sample size computations in simultaneous tests for non-inferiority based on relative margins. Statist. Medicine 25 (2006) 1131-1147

  67. Eckert, J; Schuphan L, Hothorn, LA; Gathmann A. Arthropods on Maize Ears for Detecting Impacts of Bt Maize on Nontarget Organisms. Environ. Entomol. 35 (2006) 554-560.

  68. Gathmann, A; Wirooks, L; Hothorn, LA; Bartsch, Schuphan, I. Impact of Bt maize pollen (MON810) on lepidopteran larvae living on accompanying weeds. Molecular Ecology (2006)  15: 2677-2685.

  69. Hothorn LA. Statistical analysis of in vivo anticancer experiments: Tumor growth inhibition. Drug Inf. J (2006) 40: 229-238.

  70. Neuhauser M, Hothorn LA. A robust modification of the ordered-heterogeneity test. J. Applied Statistics (2006) 33: 721-727.

  71. Hothorn, LA, Bleiholder H. Statistical effects of efficacy evaluation of plant protection products in field trials- a comment to EPPO standard PP1/152. EPPO Bulletin (2006) 36: 31-45.

  72. Hothorn, LA Multiple comparisons and multiple contrasts in randomized dose-response trials- confidence interval orient approaches. J. Biopharm Stat. (2006) 16: 711-731.

  73. Hauschke D, Hothorn LA Letter to Editor: An introductory note to the CHMP guidelines: choice of the non-inferiority margin and data monitoring committees by David Brown, Peter Volkers and Simon Day, Statistics in Medicine 2006; 25:1623–1627. Statist. Med. 2007; 26:230–236

  74. Dilba, D, Schaarschmidt, F., Hothorn, LA Inferences for ratios of normal means. RNews 7 (2007) 1, 20 -23.

  75. Hothorn LA How to deal with multiple treatment or dose groups in randomized clinical trials? Fundam Clin Pharmacol 21 (2): 137-154 2007

  76. Toschki A, Hothorn LA, Ross-Nickoll M Effects of cultivation of genetically modified Bt maize on epigeic arthropods. Environ. Entomol 36 (4): 967-981 2007

  77. Hasler M, Vonk R, Hothorn LA Assessing non-inferiority of a new treatment in a three-arm trial in the presence of heteroscedasticity. Statist. Med. 2008; 27:490–503

  78. Braat S, Gerhard D, Hothorn LA. Joint one-sided and two-sided simultaneous confidence intervals. JOURNAL OF BIOPHARMACEUTICAL STATISTICS 18 (2008) 2: 293-306.

  79. Froemke C, Hothorn LA Kropf S Nonparametric relevance-shifted multiple testing procedures for the analysis of high-dimensional multivariate data with small sample sizes. BMC Bioinformatics 2008, 9:54 doi:10.1186/1471-2105-9-54

  80. Schunkert H , Gotz A,….Hothorn LA.: Repeated replication and a prospective meta-analysis of the association between chromosome 9p21.3 and coronary artery disease. CIRCULATION 117 (2008)13: 1675-1684.

  81. Hothorn, LA and Hasler, M.: Proof of hazard and proof of safety in toxicological studies using simultaneous confidence intervals for differences and ratios to control. J. Biopharm Stat. (2008) 18: 915-933.

  82. Schaarschmidt F, Sill M, Hothorn LA.: Poly-k-tend tests for survival adjusted analysis of tumor rates formulated as approximate multiple contrast test. J. Biopharm Stat. (2008) 18: 934-948

  83. Dilba, G. and Hothorn L.A. and Tsong, Y.: Equivalence Tests for Shelf Life and Average Drug Content in Stability Studies J. Biopharm Stat. (2008) 18: 985 – 995.

  84. Schaarschmidt F, Sill M, Hothorn LA. Approximate Simultaneous Confidence Intervals for Multiple Contrasts of Binomial Proportions. Biometr. J. (2008) 50: 782-792.

  85. Hasler M, Hothorn LA: Multiple Contrast Tests in the Presence of Heteroscedasticity. Biometr. J. (2008) 50: 793-800.

  86. Hothorn, L.A., Gerhard, D.: Statistical evaluation of the in vivo micronucleus assay. Arch. Tox. 2009 (online Dec 2008) DOIDOI 10.1007/s00204-008-0393-8

  87. Djira, GD and Hothorn, LA. Detecting Relative Changes in Multiple Comparisons with an Overall Mean. J Quality Control 41 (2009)1, 60 – 65.

  88. Schaarschmidt F, Biesheuvel, E., Hothorn LA.: Asymptotic Simultaneous Confidence Intervals for Many-to-One Comparisons of Binary Proportions in Randomized Clinical Trials Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics (2009) 19, 292 – 310

  89. Hothorn LA, Vaeth M, Hothorn T.: Trend tests for the evaluation of exposure-response relationships in epidemiological exposure studies. Epidemiol Perspect Innov. 2009 Mar 6;6:1.

  90. Hothorn LA., Gerhard, D, Hofmann, M. Parametric and non-parametric prediction intervals based phase II control charts for repeated bioassay data. Biological 37 (2009) 323-330.

  91. Hothorn LA , Hothorn, T. Order-restricted Scores Test for the Evaluation of Population based Case–control Studies when the Genetic Model is Unknown. Biometrical Journal 51 (2009) 4, 1–11 DOI: 10.1002/bimj.200800203.

  92. Dette H, Trampisch M, Hothorn LA Robust Designs in Noninferiority Three-Arm Clinical Trials With Presence of Heteroscedasticity, Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research. 2009, 1(3): 268-278. doi:10.1198/sbr.2009.0021.

  93. Acutis, M, Hothorn,L McNicol J van der Voet, H.Statistical considerations for the safety evaluation of GMOs. EFSA Journal 2009; 1250: 1

  94. Hothorn LA , Vohr,H.W. Statistical Evaluation of the Local Lymph Node Assay , Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology (2009) doi:10.1016/j.yrtph.2009.10.007

  95. Gerhard D, Hothorn. LA Rank Transformation in Haseman-Elston Regression Using Scores for Location-Scale Alternatives. Hum Hered 2010;69:143–151. DOI: 10.1159/000267994

  96. Zimmermann H, Gerhard D, Dingermann T, Hothorn, LA: Statistical aspects of design and validation of microtitre-plate-based linear and non-linear parallel in vitro bioassays . BIOTECHNOLOGY JOURNAL  5 (2010) 62-74.

  97. Konietschke, F; , A.C. Bathke , L.A. Hothorn, E. Brunner Testing and estimation of purely nonparametric effects in repeated measures designs, CSDA 54(2010) 1895-1905

  98. Hothorn, LA.; Sill, Martin; and Schaarschmidt, Frank (2010): Evaluation of Incidence Rates in Pre-Clinical Studies Using a Williams-Type Procedure, The International Journal of Biostatistics: Vol. 6 : Iss. 1, Article 15.

  99. Zimmermann H, Gerhard D, Hothorn LA, et al : An Alternative to Animal Experiments in the Quality Control of Erythropoietin. PHARMAZEUTISCHE INDUSTRIE   72 (2010) 708-712.

  100. Zimmermann H, Gerhard D, Hothorn LA, et al. An Alternative to Animal Experiments in the Quality Control of Erythropoietin Part 2 . PHARMAZEUTISCHE INDUSTRIE (2010) 72; 5: 884-895.

  101. Hothorn, L.A., Djira, D A ratio-to-control Williams-type test for trend. Pharmaceutical Statistics (2010) DOI: 10.1002/pst.464

  102. Hasler M, Hothorn LA: A Dunnett-Type Procedure for Multiple Endpoints. Inter.J Biostatist (2011)7,3.

  103. Hirotsu C, Yamamoto S, and Hothorn LA Estimating the Dose-Response Pattern by the Maximal Contrast Type Test Approach. Statistics in Biopharm Res. 2011, 3,40-53.

  104. Hoffmann S, Hothorn LA, Edler L, Kleensang A, Suzuki M, Phrakonkham P, Gerhard D. Two new approaches to improve the analysis of BALB/c 3T3 cell transformation assay data. Mutat Res. 2011 Dec 10.

  105. Senti et al. Intralymphatic immunotherapy for cat allergy 1 induces tolerance after only 2 three injections. J. Allergy Clin Immun (2012)129, 5, 1290-1296.

  106. Konietschke, F; Libiger O, L.A. Hothorn. Nonparametric Evaluation of Quantitative Traits in Population-Based Association Studies when the Genetic Model is Unknown. PLOS ONE 7(2): e31242. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0031242

  107. Konietschke, F; L.A. Hothorn, Brunner, E. Rank-based multiple test procedures and simultaneous confidence intervals Electronic Journal of Statistics Vol. 6 (2012) 737–758, DOI: 10.1214/12-EJS691

  108. Kitsche, A; Schaarschmidt F; Hothorn L.A. The use of historical controls in estimation simultaneous confidence intervals for comparisons against a concurrent control . Computational Statistics and Data Analysis (2012) 56   Issue: 12   Pages: 3865-3875

  109. Hasler M, Hothorn LA: A multivariate Williams-type trend procedure. Statistics in Biopharm Research 4(2012) 57-65.

  110. Konietschke, F; L.A. Hothorn Evaluation of toxicological studies using a non-parametric Shirley-type trend test for comparing several dose levels with a control group. Statistics in Biopharm Research 4(2012)14-27.

  111. Herberich, E Hothorn LA (2012) Statistical evaluation of mortality in long-term carcinogenicity bioassays using a Williams-type procedure. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol. 2012 Jun 28;64(1):26-34

  112. Strohmaier J, Amelang M, Hothorn LA, Witt SH, Nieratschker V, Gerhard D, Meier S, Wüst S, Frank J, Loerbroks A, Rietschel M, Stürmer T, Schulze TG. The psychiatric vulnerability gene CACNA1C and its sex-specific relationship with personality traits, resilience factors and depressive symptoms in the general population. Mol Psychiatry. 2012 Jun 5. doi: 10.1038/mp.2012.53

  113. Hothorn LA, Libiger O, Gerhard D, Model-specific tests on variance heterogeneity for detection of potentially interacting genetic loci BMC Genetics 2012, 13:59.DOI: 10.1186/1471-2156-13-59

  114. Frömke, C. Hothorn, LA, F. Sczesny J. Onken M, Schneider: Analytical Method Transfer: Improving Interpretability with Ratio-Based Statistical Approaches. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis. Available online 5 November 2012

  115. Pallmann, P. et al. Assessing group differences in biodiversity by simultaneously testing a user-defined selection of diversity indices. Molecular Ecology Resources (2012) doi: 10.1111/1755-0998

  116. Hasler M, Hothorn LA: Simultaneous confidence intervals on multivariate non-inferiority. Statistics in Medicine (2013) 32(10) 1720-1729   DOI: 10.1002/sim.5633

  117. Christian Ritz, Daniel Gerhard & Ludwig A. Hothorn. A unified framework for benchmark dose estimation applied to mixed models and model averaging. Statist Biopharm Res (2013)DOI:10.1080/19466315.2012.757559

  118. Krug A.K. et al. Human embryonic stem cell-derived test systems for developmental neurotoxicity: a transcriptomics approach. Arch Toxicol (2013) DOI 10.1007/s00204-012-0967-3

  119. Konietschke, F; Bösiger, S, Brunner, E. L.A. Hothorn et al. Are Multiple Contrasts Tests superior to the ANOVA? International Journal of Biostatistics (2013) doi 10.1515/ijb-2012-0020

  120. Hothorn LA., Reisinger, K., Wolf, Th., Poth, A. Fieblinger, D., Liebsch, M. Pirow, R. Statistical analysis of the hens egg test for micronucleus induction (HET-MN Assay). Mutation Res (2013) 757:68-78

  121. Jaki Th, Hothorn LA. Statistical evaluation of toxicological assays: Dunnett or Williams test- take both. Arch Tox (2013) 87:1901-1910

  122. Loley, C.; König, I.; Hothorn, L. and Andreas Ziegler A unifying framework for robust association testing, estimation, and genetic model selection using the generalized linear model. European Journal of Human Genetics 21 (2013), 12; 1442-1448   DOI: 10.1038/ejhg.2013.62

  123. Herberich E, Hothorn LA A Maximum-Type Association Test for Censored Time-to-Event Data. J Biomet Biostat 2013, 4:5

  124. Kitsche A. ; Hothorn, L.A. Testing for qualitative interaction using ratios of treatment differences. Statistics in Medicine (2014) 33,9,1477-1489.

  125. Jaki, Th. , Kitsche A. Hothorn, LA: Statistical evaluation of toxicological assay with zero or near-to-zero counts in the concurrent control. J. Biostatistics 11, Issue 1, Pages 1 – 32 (June 2014)

  126. Kuiper, RM.; Gerhard, D; Hothorn, LA. Identification of the Minimum Effective Dose for Normally Distributed Endpoints Using a Model Selection Approach. Stat. Biopharm Res. 6(2014) 55-66

  127. Philip Pallmann · Ludwig A. Hothorn Gemechis D. Djira . A Levene-type test of homogeneity of variances against ordered alternatives Comput Stat (2014) DOI 10.1007/s00180-014-0508-z

  128. Graf N, Dinkel B, Rose H, Hothorn LA, Gerhard D, Johansen P, Kundig TM, Klimek L, Senti G. A critical appraisal of analyzing nasal provocation test results in allergen immunotherapy trials. Rhinology. 2014 Jun 1;52(2):137-141.

  129. Schaarschmidt F Hothorn LA Statistical Methods and Software for Validation Studies on New In Vitro Toxicity Assays. ATLA 2014, 42, 319-329.

  130. Hothorn LA Statistical evaluation of toxicological bioassays –a review. Tox Res. 2014 DOI: 10.1039/c4tx00047a

  131. Konietschke, F. ,Placzek, M., Schaarschmidt, F. Hothorn. LA nparcomp: An R Software Package for Nonparametric Multiple Comparisons and Simultaneous Confidence Intervals. Journal of Statistical Software March 2015, Volume 64, Issue 9

  132. Schaarschmidt, F., Hofmann, M.; Jaki, Th. et al.; Statistical approaches for the determination of cut points in anti-drug antibody bioassays J. Immun. Meth. 418( 84-100) 2015

  133. Pallmann, P. and Hothorn, L.A. Boxplots for grouped and clustered data in toxicology. Arch Tox (2015) DOI 10.1007/s00204-015-1608-4

  134. Pallmann, P. and Hothorn, L.A. (2016) Analysis of means (ANOM): a generalized approach using R. Journal of Applied Statistics. doi:10.1080/02664763.2015.1117584.

  135. M. Große Ruse, C. Ritz & L.A. Hothorn (2016) Simultaneous inference of a binary composite endpoint and its components, J, Biopharm Statist. DOI: 10.1080/10543406.2016.1148704

  136. Santiago, J. et al. Mechanistic insight into a peptide hormone signaling complex mediating floral organ abscission. eLife (2016) DOI:

  137. Hothorn, LA. The two-step approach – a significant ANOVA F-test before Dunnett’s comparisons against a control – is not recommended. Commun Stat A 2016().

  138. Kitsche A. · Ritz C. · Hothorn L.A. A General Framework for the Evaluation of Genetic Association Studies Using Multiple Marginal Models. Hum Hered 2016;81:150-172 (DOI:10.1159/000448477)

  139. Martin Otava, Ziv Shkedy, Ludwig A. Hothorn, Willem Talloen, Daniel Gerhard & Adetayo Kasim, Identification of the Minimum Effective Dose for Normally Distributed Data Using a Bayesian Variable Selection Approach. J Biopharm Stat

  140. Otava, Martin; Sengupta, Rudradev; Shkedy, Ziv; et al. IsoGeneGUI: Multiple Approaches for Dose-Response Analysis of Microarray Data Using R R JOURNAL   Volume: 9   Issue: 1   Pages: 14-26   Published: JUN 2017

  141. Pallmann, Philip; Ritz, Christian; Hothorn, Ludwig A. Simultaneous small-sample comparisons in longitudinal or multi-endpoint trials using multiple marginal models STATISTICS IN MEDICINE   Volume: 37   Issue: 9    1562-1576   Published: APR 30 2018

  142. Hohmann, Ulrich et al. Mechanistic basis for the activation of plant membrane receptor kinases by SERK-family coreceptors . PNAS Volume: 115   Issue: 13   Pages: 3488-3493   Published: MAR 27 2018

  143. Hasler, Mario; Hothorn, Ludwig A. Multi-arm trials with multiple primary endpoints and missing values STATISTICS IN MEDICINE   Volume: 37   Issue: 5   Pages: 710-721   Published: FEB 28 2018

  144. Hohmann, U ; Nicolet, J Moretti, A Hothorn, LA Hothorn, M ) The SERK3

  145. Ristl R Simultaneous inference for multiple marginal GEE models“ for publication in Statistical Methods in Medical Research. (2019)

  146. Hothorn,L.A., Kluxen,F.M. Robust multiple comparisons against a control group with application in toxicology. ArXiv:1905.01838 (2019)

  147. Hothorn, L.A. Statistical approach for …a test chemical is considered to be positive… in regulatory toxicology: Trend and pairwise tests.bioRxiv 858571; doi: (2019)

  148. Hothorn, L.A., Kluxen,F.M. and Hasler, M. Pseudo-data generation allows the statistical re-evaluation of toxicological bioassays based on summary statistics : bioRxiv 810408; doi: (2019)

  149. Hothorn,L.A., Kluxen,F.M. Statistical analysis of no observed effect concentrations or levels in eco-toxicological assays with overdispersed count endpoints. bioRxiv doi: (2020)

  150. Kruppa, J. and Hothorn, L.A. A comparison study on modeling of clustered and overdispersed count data for multiple comparisons. J. Appl. Stat. (2020) DOI: 10.1080/02664763.2020.1788518

  151. Hothorn, L.A. and Schaarschmidt, F. A modified Armitage test for more than a linear trend on proportions. ArXiv: 2006.14880

  152. Kluxen, F.M. and Hothorn, L.A. Alternatives to statistical decision trees in regulatory (eco‑) toxicological bioassays. ArchTox (2020) 94:1135:49.

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