Welcome to my personal homepage. I am a biostatistician and professor emeritus based in Lower-Saxony, Germany. To learn more about my research please refer to my curriculum vitae (CV_2021), or to my research gate profile.

Prof. Dr. Ludwig Hothorn
Recent publications
Hothorn, L.A. Closed test procedures for the comparison of dose groups against a negative control group or placebo. ArXiv2012.15093 (2021)
Hothorn, L.A. A statistical method for estimating the no-observed-adverse-event-level. ArXiv 2101.00427v1 (2021)
Hothorn, L.A. and Pirow R. Use compatibility intervals in regulatory toxicology. Reg ToxPharm (2020) July 6, 104720
Kluxen, F.M. and Hothorn, L.A. Alternatives to statistical decision trees in regulatory (eco‑) toxicological bioassays. ArchTox (2020) 94:1135:49.
Kitsche A, Ritz C, Hothorn LA A general framework for GWAS using multiple marginal models. Hum Hered (2016) 81(3):150-172